The Random Trivia Generator

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Found in Arts & Literature:

Found in Geography:

Q: What year did The Gambia gain its independence from the United Kingdom?     A: 1965
Q: Which islands were the subject of a war between Argentina and United Kingdom in the 1980s?     A: Falklands

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Found in History:

Q: What year did The Gambia gain its independence from the United Kingdom?     A: 1965
Q: Who was the Prime Minister of the UK throughout the 1980s?     A: Margaret Thatcher
Q: In what year did Margaret Thatcher assume office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?     A: 1979
Q: On what date did Margaret Thatcher assume office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?     A: May 4, 1979
Q: What two parties fought in the "Battle of Jutland"?     A: United Kingdom and Germany
Q: Which islands were the subject of a war between Argentina and United Kingdom in the 1980s?     A: Falklands

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